Hello brave adventurer, please excuse the mess. If you have found this place, my apologies, I don't really know what I am doing.
Just another "sapient ape" trying to figure out what's worth figuring out.
This site is intended to host my thoughs and my progress in different fields, such as.... idk, yijing, tarot, permaculture, lisp, the usual assortment of nerdy interests that have no real, practical use in our ... developed ... society.
Hello! I am still alive. And I haven't really come up with a good layout for what I intend to do here. I would like to write a lot more on the kind of stuff that I am interested in, but I need to get my stuff in order. I have a wide array of topics on which I would like to write, mostly my own thoughts and findings, but I am a bit insecure to write and publish personal thoughts, even in a place where I know there's nobody that will read them! I want to use this space to order my different threads of study and development, layout the different topics and perhaps link them together. MD would probably be a much beter format, does anyone know of a nice script that does the conversion to html? hand-wrting texts in html absolutely sucks.
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